Thursday, March 09, 2006

Noose or Fashion Accessory

Greetings All,
It is truly a sad state of affairs, both for perception of my work generally, and I suppose fashion, generally, when I can start a ruthless parade of rumors at my office, simply by looking like I have something to do.

Had to do a deposition prep today, which involved actual lawyer stuff - so, in an attempt to justify my meager salary and title, we break out the slacks, jacket and... wait for it... yes, an actual necktie.

You would think I showed up at work in a top hat and tails with a parade of showgirls behind me!

Let's see - Funeral, job interview, and traffic court were a few of the choice suggestions...

Now, on most days, its not like I am wearing a hula skirt and orange traffic vest to work. Always collared shirts. Always dress shoes. The occassional nice pair of jeans, otherwise khakis or such.
Its gotta be the tie that skews this.

Either that, or I HAVE to step up my game....


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