Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Mardi Gras Madness!!

Let me go on record here - New Orleans needed Mardi Gras.
This is an open letter to all those who said that the resources of the city would be better spent cleaning debris over these 10 days, or other such community-improving work.
I say - Alcohol, beads, flashing, music, parades and gumbo are exactly what that city needed!

First off - there's the tourism. Its a town that thrives on tourism, more than almost any city in the nation. Make the city fun again, people will come, and spend money that you can use to fix things.

Second - there's the tradition. You don't get to hit "reset" and pretend that you haven't screwed with traditions going back to 1900. Sure - they're traditions that involve throwing beads at people, drinking till you're blind and then eating a bunch of fried food - but some of that represents the backbone of this country.

Third - there's the fun. That's right. Sometimes, when you're working too hard, you need a little fun to keep your perspective. Go out, have some drinks, enjoy life a little. Sure you end up with a hangover - but you also get some really good stories out of it, and it makes going back to work just a LITTLE bit better - even if its just so you can go rest up.

Again - Alcohol. Good food. Good Music. Flashing. Maybe more cities need some Mardi Gras. Start some today!


Blogger Mr. Gin and Tonic said...

Oh, I've got some beads for you...

11:08 AM  
Blogger Mitch said...

I don't want to know where you're keeping them...

12:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So help me, if princess leah posts here about flashing her giant (not in a good way) pregnant overly inflated sense of self-important boobs, I will vomit. Not just a little puke-burp, mind you, but a bucket filling, intestine clearing yack that may split my soul.

Ugh. The mere act of writing this has brought images a bit too close to the surface - I must cleanse my mind....Didn't the Lounge have a link to pictures of naked cheerleaders? Where is that now...ahh, there it is. Thanks, "Brian."

You know, "Mitch," it wouldn't hurt this blog to have some links to naked women. I mean, a post about Mardi Gras sorta begs for it, doesn't it?

7:13 PM  
Blogger Mitch said...

Let me just say - AMEN to the main praying...
You are correct, a site like this does seem to beg for pictures of women in various states of undress....

Mardi Gras or not!

2:42 PM  

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