Thursday, March 08, 2007

In Praise of Earphones

I have it all figured out.

These days, you can't throw a stick without striking the random, black concert-t-shirt clad hipster or latte-sipping soccer mom, bearing the mark of 21st century technology: The stereo earbud.
Of course, now, you can listen to music on your ipod, your "zune" (all 10 of you who purchased one), your cell phone, or any one of a number of other devices designed to immerse you in your own personal concert-space.

Notice - I say "designed." Because, now I understand what their true alternative purpose is. I got the slightest inkling of their utility on my recent trip to Italy and London - But, its been a few visits to the local Starbucks to really have it hit home.

Earphones give you a license to ignore people.

Its simple, its brilliant, its powerful. Its so common now, that it pretty much borders on "polite." With earbuds in, no explanation is necessary as to why you don't induldge in the manic rantings of the over-caffinated person sitting next to you on the plain. No need to address the incredibly inappropriate public disclosure of lesions, draining wounds and stock room encounters being discussed over cappucino at the table next to you.
No more pretending not to have change when the constant stream of homeless, crazy, pseudo homeless (or pseudo crazy) vagrants accost you down the boulevard.

Even as I sit and type this, I can ignore, vacant-faced, the idiotic drivel among the husband and wife, sitting next to me, outlining their life - from the genetic level on (HELLO!!! TOO MUCH SHARING!!!).

Its my theory that some of those fellow tube-riders in London, ignoring the plaintive pleas for spare change, didn't even HAVE ipods - Just earphones on, with the wire disappearing into the folds of their jackets.

Its the perfect reverse "cone of silence."

Consider me a convert.

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