Now, I recognize that for much of the world, this doesn't quite rate as "news." But, please understand - I live in Southern California, geographically, a "desert" (don't let those golf courses fool you). So, at the point where the ambient water vapor reaches the point of ...oh, I don't know.. a hot shower... the media goes absolutely buggy with "STORMWATCH 2006!!!!!" and other equally silly proclamations of precipitation of biblical proportions.
Of course, the corollary to this media panic, is the fear on the roadways. Put simply, because it rains so little here - people drive like idiots when their precious sleds get moist. Its like the rain coming down washes away every atom of common sense and driving is suddenly the halftime show at the demolition derby and motocross event.
Of course - even with the idiots - its still better than living other places... like Oregon...